Thursday, 26 September 2019

Lesson 3 Learning to Act

Lesson 3

Learning to Act

The key to putting on a good play is to have believable characters and an interesting story. Try some of these projects to get you started.

Young and old

Try acting the character of a baby. She will have a high voice and fall over easily. An old person might be bent over and have a shaky voice and movements.

Practise acting different characters. Studying the gestures and expressions of real people will help you in your acting. You may need to exaggerate their characteristics for effects.

Happy or sad

Practise acting emotions by choosing a simple sentence like, 
"What's in the box?" 
and saying it as if your character is happy. Now say it angrily, sadly, and nervously.



Drama games

L301 Mirror

L302 Mirror (4 person variation)

L303 What are you doing?

 Radio Drama  The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Cast List 2T Scene 1-4 2S Scene 5-8 Sound Effect Instrumental version Scene 1 Welcome to Kansas Sce...